This post should have been posted back in early January, but life got busy. I went on vacation and came home to hockey tournaments, a sick child and then Covid hit. The happy couple has their photos, thank you cards were sent out, but I felt that I still needed to post this with all of the craziness going on in the world. This was the last session and large group event that I was apart of before all of our lives changed.
January 4, 2020
At certain times in our lives we look back at life and think “what if” or “if only”. Even at the most happiest of times, the thought may still enter our minds “Why didn’t this happen sooner?”. We can wish the past was different all we want, but in reality we know... certain things didn’t happen until now because, we just weren’t ready for it.
Love, relationships and marriage are no different. People come in and out of our lives for a reason. Some teach us that its okay to feel different emotions, to learn to have the ability to let go and move on, while others confirm what we already know....get out now!! GO!! Or stay, because all is right in the world with this one specific person.

This one particular couple, you could call their love story fate, a fairy-tale or just plain perfect. I call it exactly what it is.....pure happiness.
It all started a few winters ago (December 2015 to be exact). Shannon was looking forward to meeting friends for dinner and another group for drinks and possibly a different group of friends for a few more drinks. Being single meant she could party hop and wish the majority of her good friends a "Happy Holidays" all in one night! As we all are aware, life doesn't work that way regardless of how perfectly we plan the evening. Then it happened, like usual, plans began to change, some were even cancelled. One disappointment after another had Shannon end up at a bar not far from home with a small group of friends. Trying to make the best of the evening, she orders a drink and enjoys the company of the people around her.
Meanwhile, a few miles away Martin was having fun at his company party. Perhaps a bit too much fun! One crazy event after another (details aren't for the faint of heart - trust me...I've heard them) landed Martin at a small bar across the street from his home.
Let's set the scene...Martin walks towards the bar and orders a drink. He turns his head to look out over the sea of people. A woman catches his eye. She is sitting with her friends at a table only a few feet from him. He can see she’s laughing and signing along to the music. He smiles. With the little bit of liquid courage in his system, he notices that his feet are moving towards this woman! Before he can stop himself he is standing at her table. He smiles again. His mouth is forming is this happening?! What did he just say? Doesn't matter, she's smiling and now in conversation with him. This woman seems to like him. Each time their eyes meet, his heart rate quickens, his skin warms. As the evening progresses Martin puts all of his attention onto this amazing woman. Whomever had been waiting for him to carry on with the holiday shenanigans has long left his mind.

Fast forward to May the following year. Its early in the morning, Shannon and Martin are snuggled on a small bed together, exhausted from a long night. The sun shines into their little room. A triangle of warmth frames the happy couple. In the silence, Martin smiles as he notices Shannon's eyes beginning to tear. He watches Shannon gently rock their newborn daughter in her arms.
Chaos and excitement has replaced the silence that morning 7 months ago. It's Joelle's first Christmas! Will she be overwhelmed with the lights, people and noise? Will mom and dad be more overwhelmed than Joelle?! What will Santa bring her? Before all of first Christmas details can be sorted out, Martin took a moment to slow everything down. After months of planning, on the anniversary of the day he walked up to a woman who took his breath away, he looked at the woman he loves and spoke five precious words to her. "Shannon, will you marry me?"
One year and a few days later, here we are! It's wedding day!

Hair is done, makeup applied, babysitter showed up and took over at the right time! Take a deep breath. Everything is falling into place perfectly.

First stop the hotel for the bride and groom to see each other. PLACES EVERYONE!! Standing by the elevators, her back against the wall, Shannon cannot remove the grin from her face. This is it! She looks so beautiful and happy. Martin walks to the edge of the hallway, careful not to peak around the corner where his bride stands patiently waiting for him to reach out his hand to grab hers. "Okay ready? On the count of three, step out and and look at each other. One....Two..." before the photographer can say three, Martin takes a step giggling and then his jaw drops. There she is. He continues to gaze at Shannon repeating the words "wow, you look amazing" over and over. A nervous laugh comes from Shannon as she smiles and tells him how great he looks in his suit. They kiss as Shannon asks his thoughts on her dress. It is clear that he is awe-struck by her.

The rest of the afternoon Martin continues to steal glances of Shannon as the wedding party travels to photo locations. A quick stop for lunch at the bar that started it all is last on the list before everyone relaxes and fixes their hair and makeup.
Guests begin to arrive at the hotel, chairs fill up and questions around how little Joelle will behave are discussed. Life with a toddler is always interesting especially when she has an audience and mom and dad are the stars.
The happy couple stand up in front of their closest friends and family. Joelle steals the spotlight
from time to time creating memories and laughter from the room. Before the first kiss as husband and wife, Shannon and Martin agree to always love each other, to discuss their frustrations, work through what roadblocks may come at them, but most importantly they pledge to each other "I'll be there for you".

Congratulations Shannon and Martin!
