For about five or six months while pregnant with your second child, you start to explain to your first that "mommy has a baby in her tummy". This doesn't always get through to your first born, but you keep trying.
"You're going to have a baby sister or brother!"
"You're going to be the big sister and teach the baby so many things."
Then there are the questions; "Yes, we will keep the baby after it comes home from the hospital...", "No you don't have to share your toys right away with the baby".
Your first born is special for so many reasons. You learnt to be a parent because of them. Figured out how to function on no sleep. Ate cold food. Learned to love someone more than you ever thought you could.
When the day comes that baby number two is about to make her grand entrance you wonder how the first meeting will go. Will your first born be excited? Scared? Confused? And then it happens. She sees her new sister for the first time and instantly they are best of friends. No one can feed her, snuggle her or love her as much as her big sister.

While watching your two children sitting together you wonder what life was like without having them both. Your little girl looks so grown up today, yet just a few days ago she was still your little baby.
Between the bottles, diapers, crying and cuddles you try to capture each moment in your mind before its gone. Soon the chatter will be louder, the giggles stronger and they will keep becoming better friends as they grow.