This past Thanksgiving was my third time meeting up with this family in the last 13 months.
Planning a family photo session for 4 daughters can be tricky, if you’re the fifth girl. Outfits, hair, runny noses and weather all play a factor. One re-schedule due to a fever and we were all set to spend an hour together!
The weather was just nice, considering it had been snowing off and on the whole week. Standing in the parking lot, I closed my eyes for a moment, felt the fall air on my skin and hoped that the weather and the sun would be on our side for at least one more hour.
I watched a familiar minivan pull into the park. I see the faces I’ve been waiting for through the windshield. Looks like there are 6 people all smiling! Both mom and dad open the van doors and three excited young girls come flying out, all talking at the same time. I love it! There is nothing better than kids who are willing and waiting for their photo to be taken. Once the newest addition to the family (the sweet baby E) is all set, we are off to spend an hour making memories.
The girls are so excited about having their photos taken that they are posing and suggesting locations! Once again...I love it! This makes my job so easy.

I start individual shots with the oldest. She was trying so hard to be natural and not stare at the camera. Each pose lasted a quick second before the giggles would kick in. I would move the camera away from my face and start to ask her about school. A trick you might think... not really. Just a way to help her relax and learn more about her. The result, she's interested in the book she's reading and we were able to snap these shots.
One happy camper done!
Next was the twins. I met these two beauties when they were about to celebrate their first birthdays with a very fun and messy cake smash IN their bedroom! Mom was so brave and carefree. The amount of sprinkles we had on the floor, it was just plain awesome!

The girls are quiet and shy. At least they used to be. Now they are ready to chat and run around laughing. They may look so much alike, yet they do not always act alike. Big smiles from one and a hint of a grin from the other.
And baby makes 4 girls! Poor dad!But I think he can handle it.

Sweet baby E! That face! She was such a trooper as the session went on. The only time we had a few whimpers where when she found out she didn't have to sit in the stroller.
But how do you get a one year old to smile or at least look in the right direction??? You hire her three older sisters!

And then we put them all together!

Can't wait for next year!